Friday, May 20, 2011

Just Another Manic Monday... or is it Friday?

Hey Guys.  I've been a SUPER bad blogger lately with no good excuse.  I've been putting in a lot of hours at work and with some of my other civic groups trying to get projects and schedules up-to-snuff before I go off the map into Baby Land late this summer.  That doesn't mean however that you haven't been on my mind.  :-)

As a matter of fact, Winnie came into the office with me this afternoon and INSISTED that I not put posting off another moment.

Do I need to come up there and type it for you?
It's the look that knows...

I've also started reading Living with Kids and Dogs...Without Losing Your Mind by Colleen Pelar.  The official review will be coming shortly but I will say that so far the book has offered a lot of insight.  One funny little tip goes like this:
Dogs can get jealous now that your spending so much time with baby.   Try working dog and baby time in together so that EVERYONE is having fun at the same time.  For instance, instead of cleaning up the bits of cereal that junior left on the kitchen table after snack time, just wipe them onto the floor!  Fido will clean the mess and REALLY start to look forward to junior getting his snack.
How this works in real life is TBD.  But it's a fun thought! 

June is the last of my once-a-month appointments.  Then we start every two weeks.  Crazy, right?